
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2017

Morfology and Syntax (Affixation)

AFFIXATION Affixation is a morphological process whereby a bound morpheme, an affix, is attached to a morphological base. Diachronically, the English word  affix  was first used as a verb and has its origin in Latin:  affixus , past participle of the verb affigere, ad- ‘to’ + figere ‘to fix’.  Affixation falls in the scope of Morphology where bound morphemes are either roots or affixes. Prefixes (affixes that precede the root) and suffixes (affixes that follow the root) are the most common types of affixes cross-linguistically. Affixes mark derivational ( -er  in  teach-er ) and inflectional ( -s  in  teacher-s ) changes, and affixation is the most common strategy that human languages employ for derivation of new words and word forms. However, languages vary in the ways they express the same semantics, and if in English the noun  biolog-ist  is derived from  biology  through the addition of the suffix  -ist ,...

Discourse Analysis (Discourse & Genre)

Discourse & Genre   DISCOURSE & GENRE  • Discourse is a group of sentences which link one proposition to another one and makes a coherent unit of the sentences.  • Genre is a directional, patterned, continuous, and purpose-oriented activity.  • Genre is a distinctive part of culture that has purpose and steps, as well as language features which has relationship to the purpose, steps, and the distinctive culture that the definitions should be interpretated by refering to the social and cultural context in which the context exists.   WHAT IS DISCOURSE?  Discourse is the use of language both in written and spoken. WHAT IS DISCOURSE ANALYSIS? Discourse analysis may, broadly speaking, be defined as the study of language viewed communicatively and/or of communication viewed linguistically. Any more detailed spelling out of such a definition typically involves reference to concepts of language in use, language above or beyond...